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ابزار سرور WoW | World Of WarCraft | Scirpt

ابزار سرور | ابزار WOW | ابزار بازی های انلاین | ابزار گیم سرور ها | رفع مشکلات | رتبه بندی | تبلیغات | اموزش | هک | کتاب های اموزشی | خرید و فروش

Trinity [Cata] Item bonus rate

Hey guys so here a "simple" script done for this request 

Basicly you define an item to be a stats modifier like Heirlooms Or WoW's 8th Anniversary.
Everything can be modified by worldconfig.

Link : 

Please Follow The Instruction.

Add this in Worldserver.conf :
#    	 Custom.Rate.ItemID
#		 Description : Define an item who's adding bonus in percentage for Reputation/Xp/Honor Gain 
#        Default:     6948 - (Hearthstone)

Rate.Custom.ItemID = 6948

#    Rate.Custom.Item : Value 
#    Default: 	   0 - (NULL)   
#	 Description : Every float is in percentage, That mean each 1 = 10 % 
#	 if value = 0 there is no modification.

Rate.Custom.Item.Honor = 0
Rate.Custom.Item.Rep = 0
Rate.Custom.Item.Xp = 0
Enjoy and say thanks.

PS : Can be probably be done in another way (Unused Spell buff or with Premium account) But atm it's a simple code for a simple use.
Last edited by philippovitch; 03-10-2014 at 09:22 PM.