* I-Script *
* *
* Packed By Imorate *
* *
* YID! Mr.Amirooo@Yahoo.Com *
* *
* Website: IranCore.Ir *
#include "ScriptPCH.h"
#include <cstring>
/////////////////////// CONFIG /////////////////////////////
float Version = 2.50f; //Don't touch this.bool PvPSystemEnabled = true; //Set to false if you want to disable the PvP Systembool OnlyInBattlegrounds = true; //Set to true if you want to enable this only in battlegrounds.bool LooseTokenOnPvPDeath = true; //Set to true if you want the victim to loose tokens when the victim dies.int32 AmountOfItemsYouWantTheVictimToLoose = 1; //Amount of items you want the victim to loose when victim dies.bool AddTokenOnPvPKill = true; //Set to false if you don't want the killer to be rewarded.int32 ItemReward = 23247; //The ItemID of the reward.int32 AmountOfRewardsOnKillStreak[5] = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 }; //With how many items you want to reward the killer when he slays the victim.int32 HowManyTimesYouWantTheKillerToGetAwardedForKillingTheSameVictim = 2; //Name speaks for It self.const int32 KillerStreak1 = 05;
const int32 KillerStreak2 = 10;
const int32 KillerStreak3 = 15;
const int32 KillerStreak4 = 20;
const int32 KillerStreak5 = 30; int32 KillStreaks[5] = { KillerStreak1, KillerStreak2, KillerStreak3, KillerStreak4, KillerStreak5 };///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////// END ////////////////////////////
struct SystemInfo{
uint32 KillStreak;
uint32 LastGUIDKill;
uint8 KillCount;
static std::map<uint32, SystemInfo> KillingStreak;
class System_OnPvPKill : public PlayerScript{
System_OnPvPKill() : PlayerScript("System_OnPvPKill") {}
void OnPVPKill(Player *pKiller, Player *pVictim)
if(PvPSystemEnabled == false)
else if(PvPSystemEnabled == true)
uint32 kGUID;
uint32 vGUID;
char msg[500];
kGUID = pKiller->GetGUID();
vGUID = pVictim->GetGUID();
if(kGUID == vGUID)
if(KillingStreak[kGUID].LastGUIDKill == vGUID)
KillingStreak[vGUID].KillCount = 1;
pKiller->AddItem(ItemReward, 1);
if(LooseTokenOnPvPDeath == true)
pVictim->DestroyItemCount(ItemReward, AmountOfItemsYouWantTheVictimToLoose, true, false);
ChatHandler(pVictim->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You died, because of that you have lost an Event Token!");
if(KillingStreak[kGUID].LastGUIDKill != vGUID)
KillingStreak[kGUID].KillCount = 1;
KillingStreak[vGUID].KillCount = 1;
if(KillingStreak[kGUID].KillCount == HowManyTimesYouWantTheKillerToGetAwardedForKillingTheSameVictim)
if(OnlyInBattlegrounds == true)
if(!pKiller->GetMap()->IsBattleground() || pKiller->GetMapId() == 30)
KillingStreak[vGUID].KillStreak = 0;
KillingStreak[kGUID].LastGUIDKill = vGUID;
KillingStreak[vGUID].LastGUIDKill = 0;
if(AddTokenOnPvPKill == true)
pKiller->AddItem(29435, 1);
ChatHandler(pKiller->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You killed a player therefor you have been rewarded with his soul!");
if(LooseTokenOnPvPDeath == true)
pVictim->DestroyItemCount(ItemReward, AmountOfItemsYouWantTheVictimToLoose, true, false);
case KillerStreak1:
sprintf(msg, "|cffFF0000%s|cffFFFF05 killed |cffFF0000%s|cffFFFF05 and is on a |cffFF00005|cffFFFF05 kill streak. ", pKiller->GetName(), pVictim->GetName());
sWorld->SendWorldText(LANG_PVPKILL_SYSTEM, msg);
pKiller->AddItem(ItemReward, AmountOfRewardsOnKillStreak[1]);
pKiller->CastSpell(pKiller, 24378, true);
case KillerStreak2:
sprintf(msg, "|cffFF0000%s|cffFFFF05 killed |cffFF0000%s|cffFFFF05 and is on a |cffFF000010|cffFFFF05 kill streak. ", pKiller->GetName(), pVictim->GetName());
sWorld->SendWorldText(LANG_PVPKILL_SYSTEM, msg);
pKiller->AddItem(ItemReward, AmountOfRewardsOnKillStreak[2]);
pKiller->CastSpell(pKiller, 24378, true);
case KillerStreak3:
sprintf(msg, "|cffFF0000%s|cffFFFF05 killed |cffFF0000%s|cffFFFF05 and is on a |cffFF000015|cffFFFF05 kill streak. ", pKiller->GetName(), pVictim->GetName());
sWorld->SendWorldText(LANG_PVPKILL_SYSTEM, msg);
pKiller->AddItem(ItemReward, AmountOfRewardsOnKillStreak[3]);
pKiller->CastSpell(pKiller, 24378, true);
case KillerStreak4:
sprintf(msg, "|cffFF0000%s|cffFFFF05 killed |cffFF0000%s|cffFFFF05 and is on a |cffFF000020|cffFFFF05 kill streak. ", pKiller->GetName(), pVictim->GetName());
sWorld->SendWorldText(LANG_PVPKILL_SYSTEM, msg);
pKiller->AddItem(ItemReward, AmountOfRewardsOnKillStreak[4]);
pKiller->CastSpell(pKiller, 24378, true);
case KillerStreak5:
sprintf(msg, "|cffFF0000%s|cffFFFF05 killed |cffFF0000%s|cffFFFF05 and is on a |cffFF000030|cffFFFF05 kill streak. ", pKiller->GetName(), pVictim->GetName());
sWorld->SendWorldText(LANG_PVPKILL_SYSTEM, msg);
pKiller->AddItem(23247, 25);
KillingStreak[kGUID].KillStreak = 0;
pKiller->CastSpell(pKiller, 24378, true);
void AddSC_System()
new System_OnPvPKill;
منبع : Irancore